Tips for Beating Jet Lag


White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Planning a vacation to a different time zone and worried about Jet Lag? Here are my best tips for beating jet lag and feeling great while traveling!

Tips for Beating Jet Lag



#1: MOVE Get up and walk around periodically, and stretch on long flights. Once you land moving is important too, but remember that exercise will wake you up, so try not to do any strenuous activity right before bed.

#2: SKIP CAFFIENE Especially if you’re changing time zones, and your bedtime is changing, try to avoid caffeine 12-24 hours before your travels. If this is impossible for you (which it might be for me), at least try to cut the caffeine 12 hours before your new scheduled bedtime.

#3: HYDRATE This one seems obvious, but something we often forget along with this tip is to avoid alcohol if you know you’ll be combatting jet lag. This dehydrates the body, making jet lag symptoms worse.

#4: FLIGHT TIMES Remember our tip about sunlight from earlier? Well according to SkyScanner, we were right on the money. They advise opting for a flight that arrives in daylight when possible. This will make it easier to stay awake once you land, and get back on a normal schedule.

#5: PLAN MEALS Even if you’re eating dinner at 11 a.m.–try and eat 3 meals a day according to your new time zone once you land from a long flight. Getting used to eating three meals on a schedule will help regulate your body.

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