Lewis Jewelers primetime family owned business

Over 33 years ago with $30,000 in money borrowed from their parents, Sandy and Claude Lewis opened their dream store, a small jewelry shop in the Clear Lake area of Houston, that sold mostly basic gold. The business thrived, thanks to the ingenuity of the couple and their uncanny ability to establish long-term relationships with clients. Fast forward to Lewis Jewelers today and their son, Slade and his wife, Cindy, carry on the tradition in a much more grand venue. Leading brands from all over the world vie to be in their shop. Now Lewis Jewelers is a primetime family business, and today we’re learning more about this establishment.

I actually met Slade (in photo) when he was just barely 20 years old, then  a little later Cindy came along and together they had a vision and took what had been established to create one of the premier jewelry stores in the world. Now with the new Uptown Park location….I wonder what is next for this dyno duo?

You might think intimidating, but just the opposite. They become your friends. I go by many times just to shoot the breeze and cut up just a little. They expect nothing but your friendship. Not only are they good at what they do, they also are good to their community.

They also are happy to be able to support many local charities, causes, and fundraisers every year, including Assistance League of the Bay Area, Lunar Rendezvous, The Arts Alliance Center of Clear Lake, the Junior League of Galveston County, Go Red For Women, and our own annual event benefitting the Renal Center at Texas Children’s Hospital where they raised over $75,000 last year at their annual anniversary party. 

Despite their growth and success, they have never lost sight of the name on their doors.

Because their number one job is to honor their family legacy.

It’s one of the reasons Lewis Jewelers is taking fashion further.

Next…….meet the Gumuchian ladies……………

Here I want to tell you about Gumuchian, a Manhattan based company designed and owned by women. Ohhhhh Yes!!!!  The beautiful jewelry that I am wearing in this post is Gumuchion, one of the premier lines carried @ Lewis Jewelers

Founder Anita Gumuchian and her daughters Myriam and Patricia carry on a family legacy in the jewelry industry that dates back over 100 years. Together the Gumuchian women combine the excellence of traditional European craftsmanship with fashion-forward designs. From this vision their “Designed by Women for Women” mantra emerged, setting out to embody the confidence and beauty of all women.

There is so much more to share about these fabulous women, but I for sure want to tell you about the “B” Collection that has a worthy cause. It was inspired by the Honey Bee and the dangers surrounding the declining of the species led to this collaboration. A portion of the proceeds goes to HoneyLove.org, a non-profit that supports home gardens and urban beekeeping. Inspired by their surroundings Gumuchian strives to not only bring  beauty into the world with their designs but also promises to help keep the world beautiful by giving back.

You can see some of this collection at @ Lewis Jewelers website or stop by one of their stores. I particularly like the honey comb designs. So beautiful and meaningful!!!

***The exciting part of all this, is if you purchase anything in their stores between now and the end of February you will receive this very special jewelry case for free.  (valued at $80) Their contact info and directions to either location can be found at www.lewisusa.com JUST MENTION SheShe or SheShe Show for your free jewelry case!

Below are some exclusive events coming up very soon at Lewis Jewelers. Will be tons of fun!! Just click on the link for more on these events.

1. Left By Lewis – see flier attached ( follow Lewis Jewelers on Instagram @lewisusa, Twitter @lewis_usa and Facebook for clues)      http://lewisusa.com/leftbylewis/

2. Ippolita Trunk Show – Thursday, February 12 at the Clear Lake Location 10am until 5pm. We are launching our new fav line with a Treat Yourself Event! There is a fabulous gift with purchase (Silver Ippolita Earrings) as well as the jewelry case and they will have hand massages and sweet treats. Just mention SheShe or SheShe Show for your earrings and jewelry case.  http://lewisusa.com/fashion-jewelry/ippolita/

3. First Class Magazine Event – Thursday, February 12 at the Uptown Park Location 6-8pm. We are teaming up with some great partners to have a One-of-a-kind Valentine party featuring Victor Velyan.










MY LOOK: // Lace dress, on sale // Vince suede sandals, on sale // Lips: YSL rouge our couture // Lip Liner:  Mac Cherry // Nail polish by Essie, red // Fragrance: Jo Malone English Pear & Freesia 

                                                   …….some other options……

Being SheShe brings a huge responsibility to the midlife woman and I am definitely up to it!! I want to share with you what I have been exploring and trying to master for many years. I will say that there is no finish line, but it’s the journey……and I hope you will stick around for the adventure!!! -XO SheShe

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