Fabulous After 40 Styleblazer!!!

I am so excited to share with you that over 40 style expert Deborah Boland has highlighted me on her very popular blog www.fabulousafter40.com, as a Fabulous After 40 Styleblazer!!! Wha Hoo!!!!! This is so exciting for me to connect with women over 40, 50, and after.

Deborah has several Ebooks that she has written ( http://www.fabulousafter40.com/ebooks) and has thousands of followers. Her mission is helping you Tweak Your Chic to Look and Feel Fabulous at 40, 50 and beyond.

One of the great things for me in going to New York Fashion Week was the networking. I was fortunate to attend a very exclusive event for fashion bloggers and I met Deborah. She did her homework and she followed up with me and hence this great interview on her blog www.fabulousafter40.com. Please click through this link http://www.fabulousafter40.com/fabulous-after-60-sheshe-style/   to read my interview and to check out her blog www.fabulousafter40.com. You need to be following her!!!

Xo, SheShe

Being SheShe brings a huge responsibility to the midlife woman and I am definitely up to it!! I want to share with you what I have been exploring and trying to master for many years. I will say that there is no finish line, but it’s the journey……and I hope you will stick around for the adventure!!! -XO SheShe

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