Sun Protection With Cabana Life

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Sun protection with Cabana Life can give you the safety net you need while being exposed to the sun.

WE ARE TALKING ABOUT LIVING HERE!! We can enjoy the beautiful outdoors and protect our skin at the same time. Read the facts so that you know how to protect yourself while living your life from one of the most deadly cancers. The risks of no protection is clearly a risk to a deadly cancer called Melanoma.

What is Melanoma? For those of you who haven’t heard about melanoma- this is a tumor of melanin-forming cells that could lead to skin cancer if not treated right away. This will only become cancerous when the cells in the body begin to grow out of control.


  1. This is a skin cancer that can easily spread compared to other skin cancer
  2. Fastest Growing Cancer in the US and worldwide
  3. Melanoma often starts out as a mole and can be removed if treated early.
  4. Risk factors for melanoma include fair complexion, family history, severe sunburns as a child, and using a tanning bed ten times a year or more before age 30.
  5. One person dies of melanoma every single hour of every single hour of every day.
  6. An estimated 1o,ooo plus people will die of melanoma this year
  7. More people die of tanning than develop lung cancer due to smoking.

My Personal Experience

First of all, I am the poster child for over exposure to the sun and that damage showed it’s ugly head about 10 years ago. ( read a previous post about my young life in the sun ) About 10 years ago on a routine visit to my dermatologist, my doctor discovered a mole on my back that looked a little suspicious. She removed the mole and had it sent off and to her surprise it was classified in the pre-melanoma stage, therefore more margins around the mole had to be cut out. As I dodged that one, my level of concern for future diagnosis was greatly raised. I see my doctor every year and I constantly check for unusual moles.

Also, my father was diagnosed with melanoma from a mole on his forearm. They got it all…. thank God!! Did you know that there is a genetic link that can be passed down to children? I guess I got it. That is another reason that I am over cautious these days.

Finally, Norman, my husband was diagnosed with melanoma on his back about 4 years ago. Two years before he was diagnosed I saw the mole and told him it looked a little strange and he should have it checked out by his doctor. It is a miracle that the cancer had not spread into his lymph nodes and other places. That is when it can become deadly and be very difficult at that point to get cured. He has been cancer free since. Another close call!!!

Below is some great information for you know to know. Be sure to start educating at a very young age. We didn’t have all of this knowledge when I was growing up.

The best ways to lower the risk of non-melanoma skin cancers:

  1. Avoid intense sunlight for long periods of time and to practice sun safety (i.e.: look for sunscreen that provides both UVA and UVB protection with at least a 30 spf ).
  2. Wear a brimmed hat. Understand that reflections can still damage your skin.
  3. Wear sunglasses. The UV rays can damage you eyes over time.
  4. Wear protective clothing. ( a cotton t shirt only gives about 5 UV protection )
  5. Do not use a tanning bed!!! There are great options in applied tanning solutions that have improved so much from previous years.

Now how can someone prevent melanoma? So before anyone can prevent it, make sure you are aware of the Signs and Symptoms of this case.  So notice if you have Normal moles, better to be sure by  visiting your dermatologist and confirm if these are just moles. As what they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Go to for more statistics.

Now we have the ABCDE rule

Changes in the size, shape, color, or feel of a mole are often the first warning sign of melanoma.

  •  Asymmetry: When you draw a line on this mole, the two halves doesn’t match

  •  Border-: The edges of melanoma are irregular and rough

  •  Color: It may change in color from time to time

  •  Diameter: The size of melanoma grows or expands

  •  Evolving: The mole will change in size, shape and color, appearance.

  •  Feeling: Has the sensation around a mole or spot changed?

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Founded by Melissa Papock, Cabana Life is one part of her plan to educate men, women and children about the dangers of the deadly cancer called melanoma as well as partnering strategically with numerous non-profit organizations.

At the very young age of 26, Melissa was diagnosed with malignant melanoma. It is the most common cancer among women between the ages of 25 and 29. Through her journey she discovered that ordinary clothing was giving very little protection against the harmful rays of the sun. Her doctor informed her that there was protective clothing available, but she was so disappointed in what was on the market. Yuk!!! That is what motivated this fashionista to design a very colorful stylish line of swimwear and clothing, not just for survivors but for all of us and she calls it Cabana Life. Gotta love the name!!!

Our Top 25 Cabana Life Picks

Shop My Look

Cabana Life dress c/o | Rebecca Minkoff denim bag | Tibi mules | Thierry Lasy c/o The Eye Gallery Houston | Tassel Earring  | Navy silk bomber jacket c/o Yummie by Heather Thomson | Lips: Mac Lady Danger


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Show any suspicious skin area, non-healing sore or new or changing mole or freckle to your doctor right away.


M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Center

Melanoma Symptoms and Sign.  (2005-2016 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)).

Jeffrey John Meffert, MD.. Melanoma 101: Introduction to a Deadly Skin Cancer.

The Skin Cancer Foundation



Being SheShe brings a huge responsibility to the midlife woman and I am definitely up to it!! I want to share with you what I have been exploring and trying to master for many years. I will say that there is no finish line, but it’s the journey……and I hope you will stick around for the adventure!!! -XO SheShe

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