National Dog Day

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Ok all doggie lover, let’s celebrate National Dog Day!!

Do you have a bestie? Not the hubs….. I have always said that it would be hard for me to be close friends with someone who doesn’t love dogs. I sort of apologize if I am stepping on your toes, but I do speak from my heart. If you don’t like dogs then I would encourage you to take another look at this special animal made for man. Maybe you just had a unusual encounter with a dog. I actually have a friend that didn’t like dogs, but she loved my dog Dexter ( God rest his soul ). I believe she softened somewhat after getting to know him.

Today I want to life up my sweet little female Toy For Terrier, Miss ‘Pippa’. We waited about a year before getting another dog after Dexter passed to give us time to grieve and decide on a breed that would fit us. We loved the Terrier breed. I think mostly because they are so spunky, smart, cute and much more. As Norman and I age we really didn’t want another Jack Russell. They are amazing but they are live wired for sure. We felt we needed a smaller dog for travel purposes and one that had the personality, but wasn’t as high voltage as a Jack Russell. I had once seen a Toy Fox Terrier and the breed seemed to be a perfect fit. We also decided to go with a female this time around.

Pippa is so different from Dexter which is a good thing, because I had a hard enough time in the beginning comparing Pippa to Dexter. Over time she made her on impact on us and now has made her own huge space in our hearts. She is up for what ever I have her do, but she challenges me too. Fun and frustrating….. She is a frequent flier, loves to snuggle, will eat anything and I mean anything (yuk), gives face hugs, gives great kisses, sits, stays, shakes, and poses like a pretty girl. I know there is more but I hat to be a bragging mother.

I cannot imagine life without this furry little friend and  I especially love her when she gives me face hugs and kisses. She is always happy to see me and her kisses are perfectly cool and wet. Perfect medicine when I need a little lift. So thank you God for these little creatures. Let’s celebrate National Dog Day!!!

Can any of you relate???? I would love to know about your doggie love…….. in the comments box!!


Off the shoulder top | Off the shoulder top | Off the shoulder top | Petal leather Earrings | Hat, old, similar here | Sunglasses | Superga Sneakers | Bicycle, old, love this one | Bicycle basket |


We are now back in Houston. Totally bitter sweet. I almost cried when we left. I had the most amazing summer ever, but as we flew in to Houston and I could see the grand skyline and feel the humidity seep into the airplane cabin, I started getting excited about all the things we have lined up for this fall.

Stay tuned my friends. Lot’s of SheShe Adventures to come!!


Being SheShe brings a huge responsibility to the midlife woman and I am definitely up to it!! I want to share with you what I have been exploring and trying to master for many years. I will say that there is no finish line, but it’s the journey……and I hope you will stick around for the adventure!!! -XO SheShe

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