Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year because we always go back to my home town in Tennessee. Also, it isn’t as crazy as Christmas and I get to go to a University of Tennessee football game (my alma mater), do the crazy Black Friday shopping tradition with my sisters and spend quality time with my family! Giving thanks for all of these kinds of opportunities and more is good for my soul. You might say it is a lot like filling my tank with gas.
Back in August we lost our mom. My dad passed 10 years ago, so being the oldest of 3 girls, that makes me the new senior in the family lineup. A whole new normal. I give thanks every day that I had these 2 human beings as parents and I can only pray that I will pass on wisdom and love as they gave us. Have you gotten quiet enough to really think about what you are grateful for this year?
I just read that 50 million people travel during the Thanksgiving holidays. The day before Thanksgiving and the Sunday after are the busiest travel days of the year. This all being said, we pray for safe travels and that you arrive to your destination to enjoy the blessings of Thanksgiving. Isn’t it amazing how togetherness and gratitude give us so much peace?
So, here’s to you my friends! Thank you for hanging out with us. We are so thankful that you choose to receive a little dose of SheShe and continue to follow along. God bless you all!
Tomorrow, we will have a list of Black Friday deals and Monday we armed with great info about Cyber Monday. I am still having a hard to wrapping my head around the fact that it is this time of year.
We will be your shopping headquarters during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. We will be doing more gift guides in several categories as well as some features from some of my favorite brands. In the menu bar there is a tab called Holiday Shop located to the far right at the top of this page. There you will find gift guides and other gift ideas in many categories for your shopping inspiration, so definitely check these ideas out!! They will be updated regularly.
Outfit Details
Well, I waited too long to post this outfit and now every item is sold out. I have linked some other styles that are very similar for you below, plus some other great blazers that I love. Just click on the widget (photo) and it will take you to the website to shop.

- If you are thinking about trying out other social media outlets, but don’t know where to start, then go to our recent post for the video tutorial. It will explain step by step in an easy understandable way.
- Gala’s, weddings, graduations, holidays or just everyday wear…..we have fashion suggestions for you, so stay tuned. Be sure to check out ShopSheShe tab at the top in the menu bar. Hover over and choose the category in the drop down. We try to keep it up to date with the latest and greatest for all budgets. Subscribe here and then you won’t miss a post. Simply enter your email in the pop up box when you come to this site or at the top of this page in the subscribe box.
- WELCOME new readers. We are a fashion/travel/lifestyle blog. We talk about anything and everything, from fashion, travel, health issues to even an occasional recipe. If there is a topic that you are interested in, then let us know. We will do our best to bring that story to you. Have a great great week sweet friends and thank you for following along. Without you, we could not continue on this crazy fun journey!