America Proud

What a blessing to have been born in the United States of America!!! I absolutely do not mean to look down on other great countries, but I am proud to be an American!!!

I just want to know if you have read the Constitution of the United States of America? So many young people I meet have never read it. To me that is a disgrace to having the privilege to live in this country. You do not have to tell me, but if you have never read the Constitution or maybe your children or grandchildren really don’t know either, then I have a little paper back pocket Constitution and Fascinating Facts About It, that you can order on line for yourself, your children, your grandchildren or to just hand out to everyone you know.

Do you know who and how many founding fathers there were and what their accomplishments were? Do you know the states and signers of the Constitution? Do you know the 2 legislative branches of our country with all of the powers that govern? Do you know what the first ten Amendments are that make of the Bill of Rights? How about facts about our Supreme Court?? Do you know the 20 landmark cases in Supreme Court history? The last one was in 1990.

Ok, I would have failed this pop quiz!!! I have this pocket Constitution with these facts and it has never meant so much to me as it does today. July 4, 2015. Reading it again and again always enlightens me and educates me more and more.

To order this master piece go to or call 1-800-887-6661 and you can purchase your own pocket Constitution  for $3.95 and be a walkin’ talkin’ true American that can spread patriotism throughout our GREAT LAND!!

My photos were taken on Tellico Lake just outside of my hometown Maryville, Tennessee just south east of Knoxville. This past weekend I spent a beautiful Sunday after noon cruising around the foothills of the Smoky Mountains swimming, eating, and doing photos with my youngest sister and her family.

My American Flag scarf is still available from Free People. I love wearing my American Proud outfits this time of year. How are you going to display your patriotism?

No matter where you are today or what your circumstances…take a moment and give thanks for where you live and the opportunities that you have by living in the GREATEST COUNTRY on the planet…..THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!

A very happy and safe 4th of July to all!!!        Xo, SheShe 

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Being SheShe brings a huge responsibility to the midlife woman and I am definitely up to it!! I want to share with you what I have been exploring and trying to master for many years. I will say that there is no finish line, but it’s the journey……and I hope you will stick around for the adventure!!! -XO SheShe

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