Looking Fab At Every Age

I am soooo excited for you to read what was written and meet my like friends who are all the most amazing women over 40 women!!! Please check out Fengwan Wang’s Instagram @fengwanstheorem and website www.fengwanstheorem.com. I know that she would love to read your comments.
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Looking Fab at Every Age | 时尚无关年龄

Society tells us a lot of things. Some of the things are good info, some are instructional, some are barely bearable. However, any person with a decent amount of cool would not disagree, that they are, sometimes, a bunch of noises.

Like, what a person should wear and not wear at a certain age, or what a person should be doing when s/he is how old, or what is fashion, what is beauty, what is success, blah, blah, blah. But the person who tells you what to wear, what to do, what to dream — essentially who you are — should be YOU and only you. Am I right?


The inspiration was overwhelming when I met the following wonderful, wonderful human beings at the Reward Style Conference in Dallas last month. They are beautiful, powerful women. They are freaking goddesses! I was so moonstruck that I felt like an awkward teenager when I went up to them and introduced myself.

I followed up with them after the conference and asked them a few questions because I really believe their stories will inspire you guys just as much, and I know, sometimes, being you is tough, and you might want a friendly reminder that it ishard, and it could be rough, but it is also the only way to go.


At a party in Dallas with Heather, Cathy and Tanya.

Cathy Williamson

Blog and Instagram

“Fashion can be anything you want it to be.” – Cathy


I saw her hair first.

And the smile she smiles! So warm and bright that I want to put her in my pocket and take her with me wherever I go. We had just met at the conference, but I felt so comfortable talking to her that it was like we’ve been friends all along. Later, when Cathy told me that she had survived breast cancer, I simply cannot imagine what she had gone through. She certainly has not a trace of illness whatsoever! And a mother of three and grandma of two angel babies?

Yes. That’s her. That’s Cathy.


A simple, clean look pairing striped top with white skinny jeans.

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Worshipping this elegant knit dress

Cathy started her blog about three years ago. There were few blogs addressing viewers her age at the time. Two months after the blog launch, she found out she had breast cancer.

Shock, confusion, anger, and inevitably, pain, but Cathy wasn’t gonna to “throw in the towel.” She was not gonna look sick. Despite of the trying days, Cathy wanted to face life like a normal person. “That meant, getting up and getting dressed!” She said.


I love this outfit! Looking chic in flats and loose jogger pants.

“There is a cool thing about getting older,” said Cathy, “and that is, you become more at peace with yourself.” I agree 100%! Fashion is to tell something about you, a unique person, one and only. It’s never about other people and their opinions.

Cathy said, fashion can be anything you want it to be. So use it, and have fun!



Cathy is working on a collab called Chic at Every Age: she and three other bloggers in their 20s, 30s and 40s would style the same piece/element as a group but also individually. It’s really interesting to see how everyone works their own magic, but also harmoniously as a fabulous group of beautiful women.



Off-the-shoulder is for all ages!


Cathy loves to share with her readers about her life: what she did over the weekend, where she went out to eat or have coffee with friends and families, hiccups and headaches in her life, etc. Her blog is called the Middle Page because she wants it to be a place where she could meet people “in the middle of whatever is going on.” Reading her blog is like hanging out with a friend. And she definitely is!



Cathy has been super kind and helpful to make this blog post happen. Thank you, Cathy!!!

Tanya Foster

Blog and Instagram

“I am on the go and in the know. Enjoy the journey.” – Tanya


Needless to say that I was swept off my feet the moment I saw Tanya. The confidence, the knowing it all, really radiates through.



Tanya started her blog as a new year’s resolution thing in 2014. “I really wanted to learn something new,” Tanya said, “From there, it just took off.”


Who could resist that smile?


See? Now trust me on this one. Don’t be afraid of off-the-shoulder tops!

Her blog, named after herself, is about her lifestyle. Fashion is an important aspect of it but is also just one peek into her rainbow-colored everyday life. She talks about all kinds of stuff, like beauty (Take notes, girls), travel, restaurants, recipes … you name it!





Swimsuit coverup

Why am I even surprised to know that she is also an actor and a non-profit consultant besides being a lifestyle blogger?


Love that lip color!

Sheree Frede

Blog and Instagram

“I will never leave my home without my earrings.” – SheShe



No offense, but who is this crazy woman?

That’s what I actually thought when I heard someone interrupt the MC with a “Hello???” at a Reward Style meeting session. Someone had just asked whether fashion blogging could be something substantial and ever-growing career-wise.

We all turned to the source of the sound, and there was SheShe (I did not know this nickname of hers at the time), dressed in rainbow-color top, looking extremely sharp with black suit pants and a pony tail, “I’m 61 years old,” She said, “I started my blog a little more than a year ago. Look where I am now.”


SheShe is magnetic. That very afternoon, I was out taking my outfit photos when I saw her in that outfit (shown above). Not only me, no. Everyone on that street saw her. Not only did they see her, they couldn’t help looking at her. Her energy, her unapologetic attitude, her ways of walking and laughing and looking at you, draw me closer, and closer. What a woman!


What did I just say about them off-the-shoulder pieces?


She modeled; She flew jets; She collected and designed jewelries; She opened her own boutique store in Colorado; She did interior designs; She could actually make clothes herself … The list goes on and on.


What says more about SheShe than those crazy fringes on her skirt?

With her grandson Carson as her assistant, SheShe learned all things social media. They started on Youtube, then Instagram, her blog, on she goes to Twitter and Pinterest. For her, this blogging business provides her with a creative outlet that she absolutely loves and keeps her up-to-date with what’s new and great.


Even though at this point, SheShe doesn’t work, but she still has a lot of responsibilities. “It is a challenge to juggle all of the balls,” she said, “but right now, I wouldn’t change anything.” Sometimes being a fashion blogger means less time with friends and family, but SheShe wouldn’t do anything unless she’s sure she can do it well. Her devotion really is something that I look up to.


SheShe told me that she’s planning on having her granddaughter in a few guest blogs. That’s just the cutest thing, isn’t it? I’m so ready and looking forward to reading it!


Heather Anderson

Blog and Instagram

“Look good, feel good.” – Heather



Heather is the living example of looking stylish and being a mom over 40. She is a wife and mother of five adorable children. “It can get hectic at times,” said Heather, “but I for sure try and keep a balance.”


What a jacket! The color just pops out and in your face. Now, who’s the cool kid?

Heather started her blog to help reach more clients for her personal styling company. She believes that dressing could be a great way to make people feel good, and the key is to wear what’s comfortable for you, what says most about you as a person, and once you have that, the confidence “is the best accessory a woman can wear!”



Heather got her cool and style from her dad who had been a hero for her since she was little. She also adores Kate Moss who is also a mother and over 40. “She never looks like she’s trying too hard,” she said.


She is one of the bloggers who are working with Cathy for Chic at Every Age, standing for the 40’s. She looks absolutely amazing!


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Erin Busbee

Blog and Instagram

“We can look like we have our act together, even if we don’t!” – Erin


She is the sweetest thing you will ever set eyes on; I’m serious! I love hearing her talk; it’s the best.

A wife and mother of two children, Erin is also the founder of BusbeeStyle.com, styling women of all ages, body types and budgets. She’s been on national TV, written for award-winning publications about fashion and style.


“No doubt there are days I want to tear my hair out,” she said, “because let’s face it, kids are HARD!” As successful and powerful as she is, Erin says that her most important accomplishment is becoming a mom.



For the outfit photos, some of us turn to the amateurs: the boyfriend and husband. (Thank you, love!) Some hire professionals such as Cathy and Heather. But Erin actually prefers using a DSLR and a remote control. “I love taking my own pictures!” Erin says.



Prior to Busbee Style and becoming a mom, Erin worked as a TV producer and reporter in New York. She did collaborations with major fashion magazines such as Elle and Glamour and interviewed fashion icons, however, being a mom, Erin says, is her most important and rewarding job.

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To me, fashion is fun. Fashion is to express yourself, to say who you are without having to actually speak. But sometimes it could be hard to be yourself, and that’s when we need to be reminded, be yourself, “because everyone else is already taken.”

Thank you for reading!


Wasn’t this an amazing story about women over 40? I would never have thought how young people look to our generations. We have so much responsibility to be who we are and set the example to the younger set.  Believe me they are watching ever move we make.

  • If you are on Instagram, then please check out and LIKE the new page called Liketoknow.it.home. It will be a page devoted to home interiors. This being said, look for my upcoming post on my newly built and decorated Colorado River ranch home.

Being SheShe brings a huge responsibility to the midlife woman and I am definitely up to it!! I want to share with you what I have been exploring and trying to master for many years. I will say that there is no finish line, but it’s the journey……and I hope you will stick around for the adventure!!! -XO SheShe

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