$500 Amazon Gift Card | Rafflecopter Giveaway

Rafflecopter, Giveaway, LikeToknow.it, gift card, Amazon, Amazon Gift Card,

| Hearts of Gold Blog | Coming Up Roses | Have Need Want | The Daiquiri Diaries |

| DTKAustin | Style Weekender | A Lo Profile | Adaleta Avdic |

| The Closet Crush | Posh in Progress | To Thine Own Style Be True | Sophisticated and Styled |

| Adored by Alex | Vandi Fair | The Sensible Shopaholic | Every Once in a Style |

| Alicia Tenise | Sunday Beach | Outfits & Outings | Glitter & Spice | Glitter, Inc. |

| Chic Talk | So Heather | Cubicle Chic | Fashionomics | SheShe Show | The-Middle Page | L. Avenue |

This giveaway is brought to you by the wonderful bloggers above! Enter by performing the actions below in the Rafflecopter for a chance to win a $500 Amazon Gift Card.

Make sure to do the actions in the Rafflecopter before marking they are done! Marking done doesn’t automatically perform the action.

(We do verify entries!)

*Please note: the easiest way to perform the “follow on LiketoKnow.it” actions is to download the LiketoKnow.it app->type in the name->follow.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway runs from February 27, 2018 to March 13, 2018 (concludes at 11:59 PM on the last day). Open to the US, UK and CAN. By entering you are agreeing that you are performing the actions in the Rafflecopter that you have marked as done. By entering you acknowledge that you are agreeing to these newsletter subscriptions and all other terms & conditions of the giveaway. More giveaway details can be read in the terms & conditions in the Rafflecopter. Winner will be announced within 15 days of the conclusion of the giveaway and entries will be verified by the hosts. Thanks for participating, I can’t wait for you to go check out these talented bloggers!

Being SheShe brings a huge responsibility to the midlife woman and I am definitely up to it!! I want to share with you what I have been exploring and trying to master for many years. I will say that there is no finish line, but it’s the journey……and I hope you will stick around for the adventure!!! -XO SheShe

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