Sharif Handbags for Evine

handbags,Shariff handbags, luxury bags,

 This post is sponsored. I was paid for this post and received the included handbag as compensation.

 Happy Friyay lovelies! Today, I am sharing my love for Sharif handbags and that you can purchase these works of art on I have 4 of their spring bags that I will be showing you over the next couple of weeks that are so unique, stylish and beautiful. No one in the marketplace makes bags like Sharif.

The Sharif family, originally from Egypt operated a leather manufacturing company founded in 1827. In 1974 Sharif moved to New York City where he learned how to make handbags at Finesse and then joined the legendary Morris Moskowitz to learn everything he could about making handbags. With this experience under his belt, he founded his own company in 1979, Sharif Designs, Ltd which he built into the largest American handbag manufacturer by the late 1980’s.

The designer loves colors, textures as well as functionality and a bag that makes a fashion statement. Sharif uses all kinds of materials that include leather, animal skins, canvases, and tapestries. He also uses beautiful linings and unique hardware. These bags have SheShe’s name all over them. They are worth your dollars as they are as I call them “artfully created”. Sharif has also always been concerned that his bags feel good and work well for wearers.

I remember the first Sharif bag I ever saw was in my aunt’s closet. I thought it was the most unique and beautiful bag ever!! Right before she passed away, she gave me a couple of her Sharif bags that I still own today and I will forever cherish.


Have you ever tuned in to Evine shopping channel? Well, if you are like me and don’t watch a lot of TV then you might not know about this shopping venue. “Evine is an ultra-fun, digital retailer offering exciting brands and unique products to customers around the country.” Sharif is now sold on Evine and they are offering our readers a 20% discount off any Sharif bag. Use code SHESHE20. Stay tuned for more of these uniquely aritic bags.


handbags,Sharif handbags, luxury bags, handbags,Shariff handbags, luxury bags,

handbags,Sharif handbags, luxury bags, handbags,Sharif handbags, luxury bags, handbags,Sharif handbags, luxury bags, handbags,Sharif handbags, luxury bags,

 This post is sponsored. I was paid for this post and received the included handbag as compensation.

Outfit Details


Sephora – April 20th through April 23rd Rouge & VIP 15% off, Insiders members 10%. This is the time when I stock up on makeup and fragrances. Don’t forget Mother’s Day is right around the corner. How about this hairdryer that your mom might not ever buy for herself or just buy it for you and your husband. Norman and I shared one for a while and now we each have our on. Best hairdryer ever. I give it the SheShe 5 Star approval rating!!


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evine, sharif purses
evine, sharif purses

Being SheShe brings a huge responsibility to the midlife woman and I am definitely up to it!! I want to share with you what I have been exploring and trying to master for many years. I will say that there is no finish line, but it’s the journey……and I hope you will stick around for the adventure!!! -XO SheShe

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