Láro Artisan Handbags | Shop For a Cause

Láro handbags, designer bags, artisan bags, luxury bags, one of a kind bags, novelty bags,

A few years ago I met Lea Bodie at a charitable event in her home. I had no idea that this tall beautiful young woman would one day partner up to start a handbag line that I would help launch. Today, meet Lea and her partner Nika and hear about their journey together that all started with an idea about their mutual experiences and love for fashion.


Nika and Lea are two strangers-turned-friends who met at a cocktail party, bonding over their shared advocacy in fighting against human trafficking. Nika had recently left corporate fashion in New York City to develop her own personal speaking, consulting, and styling brand. Lea transitioned from her fashion career in public relations into non-profit event fundraising in collaboration with a variety of causes. Over time, the friendship grew over double dates with their husbands, swapping style tips, but most of all, their passion for empowering women.

A year later and Láro is their answered prayer in combining their love for fashion with their deep desire to impact positive change on a global scale. Through their brand, the powerhouse duo seeks to step in the gap for underprivileged and marginalized communities without a voice; specifically in supporting indigenous artisans of developing countries and championing for the cause against human trafficking.


Their mission is to leverage fashion as a means to empower women while advocating for underprivileged and marginalized communities around the world, specifically through supporting indigenous artisans and joining the fight against human trafficking.


Then enter SheShe. One day this past summer I received an email from Lea telling me all about her one of a kind bags and her dream to combat human trafficking. Did you know that Houston is one of the top cities in the country for sex trafficking? Her plan to market Láro included a large social media campaign and she asked me to help her out. I was intrigued first by the cause and then when I saw the bags I was on board.


They believe that fashion is the message to the world and that each of their handbags is a reflection of the beauty inherently created within us.

Their collection is lovingly handcrafted by local artisans and drenched in the rich heritage and legacy of The Philippines. Láro integrates traditional signature techniques of weaving, embroidery, and beadwork from various indigenous groups. The heart and soul is reflected in each design as the artisan breathes life into it. They seek to honor the sacred stories of these communities by offering their signature blend of polished and artisanal to the world.


The bags shown here are the first bags in the collection that came out with a soft launch earlier this year. I love that the girls name each bag and in the last photo is one of the bags from the spring collection that just arrived and it is named after me….the She She bag.

Be sure to go the Láro website and check out the holiday collection as well as the new Spring Lookbook. Because these bags are handcrafted and not massed produced makes them available until that bag is sold. I asked Lea what happens when they sell out the entire collection and her answer was “that would be a good thing”. So if you see a bag that tickles your fancy then buy it!

If you live in Houston, then please join us at Emmaline (restaurant) this Saturday, Dec. 15th, for a light brunch and gaze your eyes on these amazing works of art. Proceeds will benefit Crime Stoppers of Houston. The tickets are $50 each and they can be purchased here. See you there!

Láro handbags, designer bags, artisan bags, luxury bags, one of a kind bags, novelty bags,Láro handbags, designer bags, artisan bags, luxury bags, one of a kind bags, novelty bags,Láro handbags, designer bags, artisan bags, luxury bags, one of a kind bags, novelty bags,Láro handbags, designer bags, artisan bags, luxury bags, one of a kind bags, novelty bags,Láro handbags, designer bags, artisan bags, luxury bags, one of a kind bags, novelty bags,Láro handbags, designer bags, artisan bags, luxury bags, one of a kind bagsLáro handbags, designer bags, artisan bags, luxury bags, one of a kind bags, novelty bags,



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Being SheShe brings a huge responsibility to the midlife woman and I am definitely up to it!! I want to share with you what I have been exploring and trying to master for many years. I will say that there is no finish line, but it’s the journey……and I hope you will stick around for the adventure!!! -XO SheShe

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