If you have been following along, you may have noticed I talk a lot about SheShe’s Shopping Network. SheShe’s Shopping Network is my passion and it took over a year to finally take the plunge and DO IT! Today I want to share what it is and what makes it special.
What is SSN?
SheShe’s Shopping Network also known as SSN is a Facebook group where I share all of my favorite things and tips, and none of these are paid or sponsored. I love my brands with my heart and take being an influencer very seriously but I wanted to find a space where I could give out my raw opinions and really share what I love. Over at SSN, you will find great things, from fashion, home, travel, wellness fitness, beauty, to camping must-haves, I share it all!
Who Can Join?
SSN was a public group for a while, then I felt like I wanted it to be a more intimate and genuine place that truly served a purpose to our group members. Almost like a sisterhood! Joining is easy, you click the “join” button and see the rules and one of my Admins will approve the request. We have over 1,000 members and I can truly say I adore each and every one of my girls over at SSN it is such a joy seeing everyone show up, bond, and make new friendships!
Tuesdays are my favorite days of the week for SSN! On Tuesdays, every Tuesday at 8 PM CST, you can find me there LIVE on Facebook where I share what I am loving for the week, hauls, try-ons, and more. You will be given the links to everything you see and real-time reviews from me. I can answer any questions you have and love your suggestions. My assistant Francesca will also be there in the comments to answer anything I may miss! These “episodes’ only last an hour – and occasionally I may get carried away and they go on for 30 minutes! No Tuesday is the same Tuesday over at SheShe’s Shopping Network.
Stay In The Loop!
We are on most platforms these days so you can stay tuned on which platform you follow!