it’s rodeo time in houston | yeee haw

Every year in late February and the first 3 weeks of March, Houston, TX hosts the largest rodeo in the world. Not just any ole rodeo, there is a huge carnival, a convention center with hundreds of temporary shops with great stuff to spend your money on, a petting zoo, live stock show, a concert every night with big name entertainment, great Texas food and much much more. Yeee haw! If you are not from Houston then Rodeo Houston would truly be a great spring break destination trip for your entire family.

The trail riders are arriving as I write and the kick off parade is Saturday. So, break out those boots and big hair and get ready to RODEO!!!!!!!

In today posts I have linked some great rodeo fashion items that you might like. Just click on the picture of the item you like and it will take you straight to the website for your convenience..

Western wear has changed over the years. Yes, of course you can still wear your traditional western shirt, jeans and boots to the rodeo, but now there are so many other options. I particulary like lace, crochet, and fringe tops with my jeans and boots. I usually always add some turquoise jewelry to give that southwestern flavor. This year fringe is still a huge trend in clothing and leather goods.

If you live in Texas and you don’t own a pair of cowboy boots, then I wouldn’t tell any one. If you would like to change that, I have selected some of my favorites. If you don’t see a pair you like or the price isn’t in your budget, just click on a pair anyway and check out other styles on that website. There are so many brands out there to fit all tastes and budgets. My favorite brands are Luchese, Old Gringo, and Corral Boots. Tony Lama, Dan Post, and Ariat are also good boots.

Kendra Scott

I have been collecting turquoise or southwest jewelry for 40 years……yes 40……. I found a few pieces that I like here that might inspire you if you want to add a piece or two to your jewelry box. One thing about it….. tursquoise never goes out of style and it goes with just about everything. Always a good investment.

I love the high low of denim and lace. Here are some beautiful lace tops. Just add a fringe handbag, your turquoise jewelry, jeans, and boots and you have pulled together a real cute outfit to wear to see maybe “Miranda”……….. or Blake………or The Band Perry…….or………..Pitt Bull……or……

For more information on the Houston Rodeo, just go to

,,,,,,,,,,Happy Trails……..

Being SheShe brings a huge responsibility to the midlife woman and I am definitely up to it!! I want to share with you what I have been exploring and trying to master for many years. I will say that there is no finish line, but it’s the journey……and I hope you will stick around for the adventure!!! -XO SheShe

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