Wednesday Woman Crush: The Mid Life Fashionista


Welcome to my very first Wednesday Woman Crush. My new beautiful 50+ friend,  Susan Kanoff,  the curator of The Midlife Fashionista is our first to make the list of women that I admire and want to share with you. I love Susan’s youthful spirit, fashion choices as well as a genuine caring soul. Not just any woman will make the cut.

I decided that you all see a lot of me and I thought that introducing you to some other midlife women that you just might discover some new blog friends to connect with. Susan is from a town just north of Boston, Massachusetts. I love that part of the country. Maybe I will get to visit her someday???? She has been helping lower income families for years as a social worker and helping women with building their wardrobes and their confidence as a fashion stylist and consultant. Several years ago she helped a friend dress for a wedding and got recognized as the go to girl for looking good. Hence, Susan started a styling business to help insecure, frumpy women hone in on their confidence, then later started a fashion blog when blogging was not a household word. One of her many great quotes “My motto is to work with the body you have and dress it to the nines. We have the right to feel beautiful at any age or size (I believe it’s in the Constitution) ☺”  I personally love this!!! For more on her styling business, go to

Susan sent over an interview for me from a blog post by another cool over 50 blogger friend, Deborah Boland, of Fabulous After 40. In this interview you will get to really know Susan. I loved it so much because then I knew why I felt so connected to her. Please, please read this interview…..facinating!! It confirms why I chose Susan to be my first Woman Crush!!  For you new readers check out my interview and feature with Fabulous After 40 You might learn something about me too!!!  Later, I will nail down Deborah, another blog idol of mine.

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I knew I was deeply connected to Susan when I read her interview. She grew up with Barbies, put makeup on her grandmother, helped her friends, co-worker and clients to love themselves. There is one area though that we are different and that is she is somewhat more classic in her style than myself. I tend to be very colorful and I love chunky jewelry and accessories. As I do love the way I look in a classic outfit, I would still rather wear a colorful graphic blouse with cool jeans and and a hot pink or bright colored accent. Not a bad thing either…. No one can tell us how to dress. We must recognize what feels right within us. Even though Susan could wear a potato sack and look amazing, she knows how to look the best because she feels the look within her being. Over her 50+ years she has learned to listen to her inner fashionista to find that right balance that makes her feel confident and beautiful.

I know that we live in a commercial culture where brands make us want their products by portraying ideals and attitudes through images be still images or videos. How many times have you purchased something and then got it home to find out that it just doesn’t feel right? Yes, me too!! How many times have you come home with an outfit and said YES, I feel really good. No matter what is being portrayed or no matter how good the outfit looks on you, it still won’t work unless you feel it in your soul. These are all of Susan’s messages.

I love this quote from her…….”Clothes ARE powerful—we don’t give them credit for all the wonderful things they can do for us.  A great outfit can make you feel confident, beautiful, and even happy!” ……..the power comes from all of the above, but also from an inner creativity that clothes satisfy. I love putting outfits together –it’s fun for me and makes me happy. I also get a lot of joy from giving other women style inspiration and from knowing that I’m helping someone feel beautiful.”

As we get older, we tend to be content to be content. Ladies ( gentlemen, goes for both ) put you life back in first gear. Look at your closet and get those artistic juices flowing again and discover a new you!! I bet it will put a spring back into your step.

Join my friend Susan on her blog The Midlife Fashionista as well as this awesome write up at by Debra Boland. I know that you will be inspired by her messages, style tips and inspirations.

And to you Susan, thank you for being our first ever guest on Wednesday Woman Crush!! You are a dear and yes, you have inspired me too!!!


  • I hope you have enjoyed the first addition of Wednesday Woman Crush. Next month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I have another beautiful blogger friend that is a breast cancer surviver that will be sharing with us. You will not want to miss her story.
  • Please let us know if there is another topic that you would like for me to feature. If I am not the expert on that subject, I will for sure find someone that is to share with us all.
  • As always we appreciate your comments and following along with us on SheShe Show.

Being SheShe brings a huge responsibility to the midlife woman and I am definitely up to it!! I want to share with you what I have been exploring and trying to master for many years. I will say that there is no finish line, but it’s the journey……and I hope you will stick around for the adventure!!! -XO SheShe

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