My Thoughts | Easter Sunday 2020

Sheree Frede of the SheShe Show sitting by swimming pool wearing sunglasses and a black floral dress

HAPPY EASTER my friends! He is Risen…… Easter Sunday is one of my most special days of the year. Yes, I have always gotten so excited to pick out my Easter outfit to wear to church and lunch with family, but I never forget the reason for the season. For 65 years I have enjoyed these traditions but this year is so different as you all know. Today, I am just going to share some of my thoughts on this Easter Sunday 2020. Thanks for listening as I really need to share.


Bible stories and so many great movies depict the life and death of Jesus. His last days were so horrific but he didn’t give in so that the world could have an everlasting life with his Father. His sacrifice was ultimate love because he didn’t have to die.

Easter Sunday is a time for celebration because of Jesus sacrifice. I know that sounds crazy. As a Christian, I have the peace of knowing that when I die I will then live the ultimate life with my Father in heaven.

For you that are baby Christians or just want to know more then, please send me a message. We can give you all of the information you need to start or continue your journey as a Christian and how to have personal relationship with Jesus Christ and have everlasting life after you leave this world.



This Easter Sunday I think that there are more prayers than ever. Even through all of the anguish in this world it pleases God that we are coming to him for answers. All he wants is a personal relationship with us. These quiet times we are having now can give us the time to listen and understand more of what God wants from us. So take this time my friends and ask yourself what will be your new norm. What does God want for you?

I read a daily devotional called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young to set up my day. I also recommend the Life Application Bible. I could not cope without Jesus in my life.

Physical Health

I know we can’t go to the gym right now but those who need to move have found apps and videos to keep them in shape and feeling good. Those who don’t normally workout because life was too crazy before are starting to get with it.

Mental Health

This one is the one I am most concerned about. It has become apparent that COVID-19 is causing so much mental stress. Between working at home with kids under your feet, those serving the medical crisis, our city workers (police, fire, etc ) those who have lost their jobs or even their businesses, the mental strain is enormous. I just had my own little pity party and I have nothing to whine about other than my hair and my nails. That is so pathetic but the feelings are real.

Please seek help if you are falling into this despair. Try reading Jesus Calling.

Connecting With Family

I have been amazed looking at social media at all of the things that families are doing together. Cooking, yard work, games, chores and more are changing the family dynamic forever and in my opinion for the better. Maybe card games or board games will start trending again instead our heads in our phones and computers. I love working complicated puzzles….what do you like to do?

Time For Self During Quarantine

With so much extra time and appointments can’t be made, men and women are doing things that they normally don’t do. For instance, how about a long nap? Yessss!!! Last week I took a 3 hour nap. Yep, I never take naps much less I can’t remember when I took a 3 hour nap. I think my body was catching up on years of not enough sleep. It felt so good.

The beauty industry is selling a lot of face masks, home mani/pedi kits, hair coloring kits and more. I actually don’t mind giving myself my own treatments but at this time of my life they are the one things that I love treating myself to. It is the only time that I get totally relaxed and quiet.


I recently heard about some bullying to some influencers about posting outfit posts over and over. It is a double edged sword for sure. My take on this is that there are millions that work in the manufacturing, selling, and marketing of fashion goods. SheShe Show pays the bills with affiliate sales of outfits that I post. I also promote photos and content for beauty, healthy and wellness brands. It is my job, so just because we are in a crises in the world I still have bills to pay and brands that need supported.

This all being said, I am doing my best to support businesses by shopping websites even though I really don’t need a thing. I pay a full time assistant that is a 26 year old single mom. We also have 3 other virtual team members that we pay that are part of the magic here at SheShe Show. We need to keep promoting fashion and brands so we can pay our team. They count on us and we count on them. I hope this clears up any of your questions about what we do.


Sheree Frede of the SheShe Show sitting by swimming pool wearing sunglasses and a black floral dress
Sheree Frede of the SheShe Show standing by swimming pool wearing sunglasses and a black floral dress
Sheree Frede of the SheShe Show standing by swimming pool wearing sunglasses and a black floral dress
Sheree Frede of the SheShe Show standing by swimming pool wearing sunglasses and a black floral dress


Final Thoughts On Easter Sunday 2020

So, on this Easter Sunday 2020, I am so so thankful for so many things, but I also have enormous sadness. I will be praying with all my heart for all of the world and this too will pass.

Norman and I will be by ourselves abiding by our laws set in place to help rid us of COVID-19. I will get up, get dressed in a dress that I would normally wear to Easter service and watch Easter service on tv. After a nice lunch, a nice long nap will follow and before dark I will walk my doggie. My new norm!!!! HAPPY EASTER and GOD BLESS US ALL!!


  • This week I am working on a cholesterol post and also a new skin care line. I can’t wait to share. We are also planting my spring flowers, begonias, pentas and caladiums. Do you like gardening? Today we have a strong cool front moving through. We will take it because heat is on the horizon.
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Being SheShe brings a huge responsibility to the midlife woman and I am definitely up to it!! I want to share with you what I have been exploring and trying to master for many years. I will say that there is no finish line, but it’s the journey……and I hope you will stick around for the adventure!!! -XO SheShe

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  1. 4.13.20
    Teresa said:

    Thank you for acknowledging what Easter is really about. Keep up the fashion posts too!

    • 4.13.20 said:

      You are welcome!! I really needed to share…..I know that I have readers that have other religious beliefs but there might be a lost soul out there or someone struggling. Hopefully my thoughts or words will make a difference. Thank you for your comment!! Hang in there and have a wonderful week!