The Best Sunglasses For Every Face 2022

Summer sunglasses

One thing I never leave my house without is my sunglasses! Protecting our eyes from harm UVs is a must and you can make a fashion statement! The right pair can make you feel instantly confident and take a great outfit to the next level. Today we are sharing our favorite sunglasses for every face shape and recommendations on what shapes and styles would best suit your face!

Face Shapes For Sunglasses

Face shapes for sunglasses
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Finding your face shape is a must!  The most common face shapes are self-explanatory – round, oval, square, diamond, and heart. The Diamond is where your forehead and chin are more narrow than the middle width of your face. One key tip to keep in mind is that normally, whatever shape face you have, you’ll want to go with the opposite shape for your glasses!

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Small Face

For those of you with smaller faces, wearing XL oversized sunglasses may drown your face and be too much! I suggest looking for smaller framed sunglasses that will better accentuate your small features. I love these sunglasses, they are so chic! For a classic Aviator, here is the Micro High Key!

Summer sunglasses

Round Face

If you have a rounder face and features, try to counteract that softness with a pair of rectangular or square sunglasses. This will help bring more definition to your cheekbones and jawline. I love these fun sunglasses!

Oval Face

Aah, the oval face! The oval face has the most leniency when it comes to the shape of glasses. This face shape is great for oversized and fun-shaped glasses! Explore all of the options, get fun, and make bold statements!

Summer sunglasses

Heart Face

Aviators are always a good go-to if you have a heart-shaped face as they are elongated at the bottom which elongates the chin. These sunglasses from Quay have been in my wardrobe for years!

Square / Diamond Face

If you have a square or diamond-shaped face then most likely your features are strong and sharp. Try wearing more rounded glasses to be more subtle and add softness!

Summer sunglasses

The Sunglasses Shop


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Being SheShe brings a huge responsibility to the midlife woman and I am definitely up to it!! I want to share with you what I have been exploring and trying to master for many years. I will say that there is no finish line, but it’s the journey……and I hope you will stick around for the adventure!!! -XO SheShe

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