How to Fabulously Wear Shorts Over 40 | Best of 2023

Photo of Sherre Frede (SheShe) on the beach in a Coco Chanel shirt with her leg kicked in the air and a black floppy beach hat showing how to wear shorts over 40 years old.

Wednesday, June 21st is the astronomical solstice that marks the official FIRST day of SUMMER!! With the hot season right around the corner, we are sharing my greatest secrets on how to wear shorts over 40! Your age shouldn’t dictate your fashionista style and your legs should never hold you back from enjoying the sun! With that being said I am pulling out my summer tops and my cutest shorts to show off. Below I have featured all of my favorites and most are budget-friendly!


How to Fabulously Wear Shorts Over 40

We are women – we often overthink things, right? Wearing shorts over 40 years old does not have to be as stressful as we make it! The right length for your body is the key here! I know I constantly hear from you ladies that you hate your knees or the skin on your legs and I can empathize with that, but when in your life have you EVER heard someone say “Wow, she has really pretty knees”? Probably never, at least I have never heard that! So stop beating yourself up, girlfriends!!

Choosing the Right Length

Just because you are wearing shorts doesn’t mean they have to be baggy, extra long, or boring! Length is critical when choosing the type of shorts that will look best. I stick with shorts that have a 7″ to 9″ in-seam and sometimes up to 13″. These lengths are more flattering and slimming. A few of my favorites are the J. Crew 7″ Chino Shorts that are currently ON SALE 42% off! J.C. Penny also has a 7″ Chino short that is also on sale at only $14.99!? The 7-9″ in-seam hits the “pretty” part of the thigh, which for me starts about 2 to 3 inches above the knee.

For a little longer length, I go with the Talbot’s Perfect Short 9″ or 10.5. With over 10 different colors and in-seam options up to 13″, Talbot’s has options for every style and body shape! Keep in mind if you are petite, a 13″ in-seam will hit more like a “knee knocker.”

Avoid Shorts That Are Too Tight

Sheree Frede of the SheShe Show standing in foor wearing a tee shirt and denim shorts

Ladies, the same rule goes for shorts that go for all mid-life fashion: avoid wearing them too tight!! Go for a loose-fitting style like this pleated wide-leg short or a Bermuda short that is more forgiving around the thighs if you have lost any of your youthful elasticity we took for granted in our 20s!! The goal is to feel CONFIDENT in shorts, so forcing our bodies into certain styles likely will not do the trick!

Cargo Shorts

Sheree Frede wearing a white shirt and army green cargo shorts

Luckily for us, Cargo pants and shorts are trending again and are extremely flattering! For more details on The Cargo Trend, my favorite types, and style tips check out my latest blog here. If you’re like me, then you love POCKETS! They are the most underrated yet highly-utilized fashion invention!! With cargo shorts, you get fashion AND functionality…two things that are always a YES for me!

Sheree Frede wearing magenta colored long baggy shorts and print campshirt


Now get out and go BOLDLY into the world rockin’ your shorts over 40 or ANY AGE! Make 2023 the summer you choose to be fabulously YOU!


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This week I am in Colorado starting to decorate our new little villa! Follow along on Instagram and Facebook stories using the links below. It’s going to be quite the journey as I don’t even have a sofa!!!



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Being SheShe brings a huge responsibility to the midlife woman and I am definitely up to it!! I want to share with you what I have been exploring and trying to master for many years. I will say that there is no finish line, but it’s the journey……and I hope you will stick around for the adventure!!! -XO SheShe

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